Customer testimonials

Discover our customers' feedbacks 👇

How CNP Assurances eliminates 90% of repetitive calls with the "Julie" voice agent

CNP Insurances has increased its teams' productivity by 40% thanks to its voice agent "Julie". A testimonial of Wilfried Briand, Director of Digital Transformation Programs.

How Enedis reaches 75% of self-service over the phone on "delivery point" searches

Enedis has implemented a voice agent to reduce handling of inbound call flows by 80%. Read the testimony of Silvia Fabarro, Customer, Territory and Europe department manager.

How has extended customer autonomy by deploying 3 voice agents has deployed 3 voice agents to extend customer autonomy. Discover the feedback of Evelyne Papon, Head of digital customer projects for France & Europe.

How Dalkia absorbs call spikes with its voice agents

Dalkia, an EDF subsidiary, absorbs call spikes using a voice agent. Claude Desmoucelles, contact centre director, provides feedback on its implementation.

Develop your expertise on AI-powered voice agents

Discover our 2021 ebook "How to develop self-service over the phone with AI-powered voice agents?"